Live Crab Tanks

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Jim and their live crab tank When we first installed our seawater system for our live Dungeness Crab, we noticed a remarkable flavor increase in the taste of the fresh cooked crab. Our customers always wonder what we do to 'our cooked crab' to make them taste so wonderful. crabs

The reason for the difference is simple. The crabs are filtering out their waste (or purging - just like clams and oysters) in our seawater tanks. The waste is collected by our protein skimmer and eliminated from our system and our biological sandfilter also further cleans the seawater resulting in a pure clean and therefore a better tasting crab.

You have to try our crab to believe remarkable difference in taste from the commercial run of the mill crab.

The addition of our own live crab tanks has given us the ability to cook your Dungeness Crabs the day we ship.This insures that you will always receive fresh cooked Dungeness Crabs from the South Beach Fish Market.

Remember, the South Beach Fish Market is the seafood market for all your ocean fresh seafood!!!